breathing journeys
Single Session
At a single session I am there exclusively to five a save space for you to dive into your breathing experiece.
There is briefing for clearing the matters as well the current situation and the progress at the beginning of each session.
A dialog at the ends serves for clarifying as well for integrating the insights and cleared parts coming up in the breathing session. 

From a long term experience we talk about that 10 frequently passed breathing sessions (1-2 times a week ) can show dramatic progress, which can be observed in the breath as well in daily life as sustainable changes. This off course is very individual dependent on the initial point and the matter.

This personal frame allows to proceed in a complete individual pace and way which primarily stands in your influence. Besides breathing sessions I work with awarenes exercises and meditations which can be led verbaly or by music or can be in silence.

At the end the situation defines the offer and the amount and you decide about the intensity and duration. From my side there are no presets but recommendations which are not linked to any obligations from your side.

Only the compliance and annulation of fixed dates 1 day in avance are mandatory. 

A clearing briefing of about 30min is free of charge.

Place: Kremna / Serbien
Price for one breathing session 90min €50,-

A series of single sessions can be connected with a stay and a  retreat here in the west serbian mountains around the national
reservoir of Tara. Accomodation and provisions are possible here in our extra guesthouse.

Breathing Groups
A breathing group is involving the energy and the dynamic of the group. Besides btreathing sessions we apply group dynamic exercises, meditations as well as talking circles. The one frequently group event is the Meditative Chakra Mountain Trekking

For all group events the following group rules are valid:

-Everything is an offer and you decide if you participate
-Everything personal what happens and is spoken in the grouü stays in the group
-Avoid to talk about others in a judgemental way. If you witness such an event involve yourself to bring the wareness of this agreement to the people. The place to share any topic is the talking circle.

If you have a group and want to experience a breathing event together, I am happy to organize that for you. This can be as well in natuer or in an appropriate room which has idealy a wooden floor and is empty besides hifi for Cd´s and 3,5mm auxilary, mats, blankets and sitting kushions.

Breathing Education
Together with Dr. Wilfried Ehrmann I work on the ATMAN education for breathing teachers as Co trainer. Therefore I want to forward you to this profound programme.

This education is built for people who ar experiencedin breathing and group and provides a group  o one year self experience. On 10 weekends you go to explore through your breath different topics wich are manifested in your breath.
Through this exploration and celaring you can experience and learn the approach.
The 1 1/2 years of spervision connects this experience with a professional approach and there are more weekend seminars deepening the experience in terms of professionalism and qualifies you to be a member of the profesional assosiation of austrian breathing teachers.

Requirements are: 
Briefing with Dr. Wilfried Ehrmann in Vienna and
10 breathing sessions with one breathing teacher of our assosiation.

The 10 breathing sessions you can do n 2-4 weeks and combine in a retreat in my place.

©2018 - designed by wolfgang steiner with opENELEMENT. Template SENSODE
photos from Wolfgang Steiner and with friendly approval from Klemens Robe