A breathing group is involving the energy and the dynamic of the group. Besides btreathing sessions we apply group dynamic exercises, meditations as well as talking circles. The one frequently group event is the Meditative Chakra Mountain Trekking
For all group events the following group rules are valid:
-Everything is an offer and you decide if you participate
-Everything personal what happens and is spoken in the grouü stays in the group
-Avoid to talk about others in a judgemental way. If you witness such an event involve yourself to bring the wareness of this agreement to the people. The place to share any topic is the talking circle.
If you have a group and want to experience a breathing event together, I am happy to organize that for you. This can be as well in natuer or in an appropriate room which has idealy a wooden floor and is empty besides hifi for Cd´s and 3,5mm auxilary, mats, blankets and sitting kushions.